2019 National RHY Grantees Training

The Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) and the Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Center (RHYTTAC) were pleased to host the 2019 National Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Grantees Training in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from November 12th through November 14th.

The theme, "Celebrating 45 Years: Transforming the Lives of RHY," commemorates the 1974 passage of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA). The 2019 National RHY Grantees Training served as an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the legacy of the RHYA. There have now been 45 years of federal RHY service programs, including all of the ones represented at the 2019 national training, making a positive difference for young people who need it most.  Visit  to view the 45th RHYA Anniversary Timeline displayed at the national training. You may also visit www.rhyttac.net/rhya-timeline to view an interactive web-version of the timeline. 

National Training Program

The 2019 National RHY Grantees Training featured three pre-training institutes and 54 workshops, including the 10 regional meetings. These workshops are intentionally diverse; they cut across all FYSB's RHY grant programs (BCP, SOP, TLP, and MGH), they respond to different experience levels (new, experienced, and advanced), and they cover the "Four Core" outcome areas (education and employment, safe and stable housing, social and emotional well-being, and permanent connections). Nearly a half-century into the RHYA's existence, the annual national training is truly a testament to the breadth and depth of RHY work being performed by FYSB grantees.

As in past years, participants had the opportunity to connect with federal staff, network with other grantees, and learn new and innovative strategies for sustainably integrating and implementing RHY programming into communities. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to learn more about other programs during the poster session and visit with exhibitors as we celebrated 45 years of service to RHY!

This event provided a significant opportunity for individuals to come together to share knowledge, experiences, and creativity in order to pursue the common goal of providing effective services to the country’s runaway and homeless youth. Click here to view the 2019 National RHY Grantees Training Program.

General Sessions

If you were not able to attend, or would like an encore of the general sessions held at the 2019 National RHY Grantees Training, please select from the links below to visit watchRHYTTAC (RHYTTAC's YouTube channel.)

Opening Session

Welcome and opening remarks provided by Elizabeth Darling, Commissioner Administration on Children, Youth and Families and Debbie A. Powell, Deputy Associate Commissioner of FYSB. The opening keynote was provided by Nola Brantley. Visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6FvY8z_uXk to view the opening session.

Three images - the first is of Commissioner Elizabeth Darling speaking on stage. The second is of Deputy Associate Commissioner Debbie Powell speaking, and the third image is Nola Brantley providing her keynote at the 2019 National RHY Grantees Training's opening session.

General Federal Session

This annual session featured updates from FYSB on activities directly impacting the RHY Program. Click the links below to view the General Federal Session.

FYSB RHY Artistic Expression Contest Winner Presentation and Keynote

This general session featured youth participants of the 2019 FYSB RHY Artistic Expression Contest followed by a keynote presentation on "The Foundations of Resiliency". Click the links below to view the winners of the contest and to view the pdf of the keynote presentation. You may also visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1lSRPZc5Yg&t=433s to view this general session on YouTube.

Closing Session

The 2019 National RHY Grantees Training ended with the closing session where a panel of youth with lived experience provided a keynote presentation, “Speaking from Experience: Insight and Vision for the Field.” Panelists included Elizabeth Allee, Cascade Youth and Family Center; Zakiyyah Rahman, Ozone House; Benjamin Saldana, Milestones Behavioral Services and National Youth Advisory Council for National Network for Youth; and Tatyana Rozhnova, Lighthouse Youth and Family Services. This keynote presentation was facilitated by Phillip Ringwood, DIAL/SELF Youth & Community Services and Fonda Thompson, Open Arms, Inc. Closing remarks were provided by FYSB's Deputy Associate Commissioner, Debbie A. Powell and FYSB's Director, Division of Adolescent Development and Support, Resa Matthew, PhD, MPH. Laurie Jackson, President and CEO of National Safe Place Network, provided RHYTTAC reminders and announced the location of the 2020 National RHY Grantees Meeting. Click the links below to view the closing session.

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Pictured left from right, Fonda Thompson, Tatyana Rozhnova, Elizabeth Allee, Zakiyyah Rahman, Benjamin Saldana, Phillip Ringwood, and Mark Wolf (RHYTTAC).


In addition to the general sessions, participants engaged in five breakout sessions. Workshops focused on core elements of RHY programming including well-being, permanent connections, safe and stable housing, education or employment, accountability, and collaboration. Workshop summaries and 508-compliant resources maybe accessed using the link below. In addition, workshop summaries and presentations may also be accessed via the national training application (app).

Click here to access workshop resources.


If you have questions regarding the National RHY Grantees Training, please email [email protected].