Techincal Assistance

Guide to TA

The Runaway and Homeless Youth Training, Technical Assistance, and Capacity Building Center, operated by Youth Collaboratory, is designed to provide Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB)-funded Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) grantees and allies in the field with training and technical assistance (TA) services and support. 

Online Resources

These resources are tailored to and designed by professionals who work with youth and young adults impacted by runaway and homeless situations. Anyone can access these resources at no cost.

Types of Technical Assistance Events

These events are tailored to and designed by RHY grantees and allies in the field to facilitate learning and sharing between peer professionals, youth leaders, and organizations.   

Individualized Technical Assistance

These services are scheduled individually and are designed to meet the specific needs of a program/organization. RHYTTAC provides two levels of technical assistance (TA).

  • Brief TA - Provide a resource or consultation on a specific topic to enhance organizational/program practices or address a challenge.
  • Intensive TA - Engage in an initial meeting to assess needs, and to identify the strengths and resources available to draw upon. Then, RHYTTAC and the requesting organization create a collaborative TA plan and work in partnership to meet goals and timelines. This may involve virtual and/or in-person meetings, training, coaching, and resource sharing, depending on organizational and program needs.

Technical assistance may be provided by staff or subject matter expert consultants of RHYTTAC, based on the individual request. Topics may include all aspects of RHY program development and implementation, as well as capacity building within the organization, system, and community.

Example topics include:

  • Coordinated Entry and working within the Continuum of Care (CoC)
  • Collaboration with the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP)
  • Youth leadership models and practices
  • Aftercare
  • Outreach strategies
  • Youth engagement and Positive Youth Development (PYD)
  • Engaging cross-system partners (i.e., education, child welfare, mental health)
  • Intake and assessment
  • Nonprofit leadership and board engagement
  • Trauma-informed care
  • Policies and procedures
  • Harm Reduction and Stages of Change
  • Attracting, hiring, and retaining staff
  • Mental health support for youth and staff

How to Access Support for Your Organization   

RHYTTAC Points of Contact


RHYTTAC Point of Contact

Region 1: VT, NH, ME, MA, RI, CT

Kendel DeHart

Region 2: NY, NJ, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

Hailey Frazen, John McGah 

Region 3: PA, WV, VA, MD, DC, DE

Regina Dix, John McGah

Region 4: GA, AL, SC, KY, TN, MS, FL, NC

Hailey Franzen, John McGah

Region 5: MN, IL, WI, OH, IN, MI

Hailey Franzen, John McGah

Region 6: NM, TX, OK, AR, LA

Regina Dix, John McGah

Region 7: MO, IA, NE, KS

Regina Dix, Shandra Steininger

Region 8: MT, ND, SD, WY, CO, UT

Shandra Steininger

Region 9: CA, NV, AZ, HI, AS, Mariana, Micronesia, Guam, Palau, Marshall I

Shandra Steininger

Region 10: AK, WA, OR, ID

Shandra Steininger

Runaway and Homeless Youth-Prevention Demonstration Program

Lara Griffin, Shandra Steininger

Updated 08/13/2024