Sex Trafficking / Exploitation / CSEC Resources
Sex Trafficking Resource: Not Another Statistic
The Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) and the Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Center (RHYTTAC) has released “Not Another Statistic: Building Capacity to Prevent and Respond to the Sex Trafficking of Runaway and Homeless Youth,” a series of three interactive learning modules that provides a general overview of the issue of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and the role RHY programs play in the prevention of child and youth exploitation.
The content guides the learner through information related to CSEC and provides scenario-based learning. Each module is accompanied by a downloadable workbook to track the learner’s thoughts while proceeding through the modules.
The courses may be identified in eLearning by the following titles:
- RHYTTAC185: “Not Another Statistic – The Basics”
- RHYTTAC186: “Not Another Statistic – The Methods”
- RHYTTAC187: “Not Another Statistic – The Response”
Review our eLearning webpage to learn how to create an account and search for these webinars on our eLearning platform. |
The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls’ Story
Released in July 2015: The Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality published this report on, "The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls' Story".
From the introduction of the report: This report exposes the ways in which we criminalize girls - especially girls of color - who have been sexually and physically abused, and it offers policy recommendations to dismantle the abuse to prison pipeline. It illustrates the pipeline with examples, including the detention of girls who are victims of sex trafficking, girls who run away or become truant because of abuse they experience, and girls who cross into juvenile justice from the child welfare system. By illuminating both the problem and potential solutions, we hope to make the first step toward ending the cycle of victimization-to-imprisonment for marginalized girls.
Learn more here: |
Sex, Money, and the Forgotten Victim
During the 2015 SOP Grantees Meeting, Detective Bill Woolf, Fairfax County Police, Virginia and John Hetey, Loudoun Gang Prevention Coordinator, presented the content for this workshop.
Workshop summary: This workshop will provide participants with information about youth that are most susceptible to gang related sexual exploitation. Additionally, participants will gain information about gang related trafficking and some of the challenges of providing services for victim/survivors.
Access the presentation here:
Please note that during the original presentations, videos were utilized; however, for easy access on the website, the links have been included to the videos where possible for you to access at your convenience. If you have questions or would like further information, please contact RHYTTAC at [email protected] |
Online Child Exploitation and What You Can Do To Prevent It
During the 2015 SOP Grantees Meeting, Jenna-Lyn Ryckebush, the Senior Programs Coordinator at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), presented the content for this workshop.
Workshop Summary: Reports of online child exploitation, including online sexual solicitation and sexting, are received by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children’s (NCMEC) CyberTipline. In order to combat this issue, NCMEC developed a prevention program, NetSmartz Workshop. NetSmartz addresses online risks and helps children ages 5-17 make safer and smarter choices online. These online issues and the tools that can be used to prevent these risks will be discussed.
Access the presentation here: |
Technological Interventions to Address the Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors
Human Trafficking Researchers. (2013, April 8). "How to Responsibly Create Technological Interventions to Address the Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors."
From the Introduction: "Recently, many technologists – including academic computer scientists, entrepreneurs, and engineers in governmental and corporate organizations – have been investigating ways to use technology to address domestic sex trafficking and CSEC. As researchers invested in understanding and disrupting CSEC, the level of interest and passion for innovation excites us. We have written this document to help provide basic information for technologists who are imagining ways to help. Curbing commercial sexual exploitation of children and promoting the rights and safety of children should be a top priority for all members of society. Yet, all too often, myths and public misunderstandings – particularly about technology’s role in CSEC – and a lack of empirical data about the scope of the problem drive political and legal agendas, however well intentioned. These same myths and misunderstandings have the potential to inadvertently affect how technologists approach the problem. As researchers, we feel it’s important to take an evidence based and data-driven approach toward technological interventions so that they are effective, efficient, and limit the additional harm done to victims. With this goal in mind, we offer a series of key findings that should be a part of any serious discussion about using technology to address CSEC in a networked world."
Access the report brief here: |
Bought and Sold: Helping Young People Escape from Commercial Sexual Exploitation
The Department for Health and Human Services developed this brief, Bought and Sold: Helping Young People Escape from Commercial Sexual Exploitation, to give information and resources on the dynamics of Human Trafficking of young people.
Access the brief here: |
Medical Treatment of Victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
This issue brief examines the procedures and protocols that currently exist for assessing and treating victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in healthcare settings in an effort to evaluate their applicability to victims of human trafficking. Given the similar trauma experienced by victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, the procedures and protocols for domestic violence and sexual assault offer the best foundation on which to learn from and build proper response systems for victims of human trafficking. Since the procedures and protocols related to domestic violence and sexual assault typically focus on the sexual nature of the offense, this issue brief will primarily focus on victims of sex trafficking as well as victims of labor trafficking who are sexually assaulted.
Read and download the brief here: |
Talk It Out Thursday (TIOT) call resources from June 19th, 2014
Here are the website resources for promoting youth safety online, RHYTTAC encourages you to check them out and see how they can support you in the work you do with young people:
The first three are programs developed out of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: - Take 25 is a campaign created by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) that asks families, educators, law-enforcement officers and trusted adults to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety. Created in honor of National Missing Children’s Day which is annually recognized on May 25th, Take 25 helps educate communities on safety risks and ways to better protect the children in their lives. During the months of April and May, communities are invited to join NCMEC in this grassroots effort by promoting ongoing safety conversations between children and their families. - NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) that provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer on- and offline. The program is designed for children ages 5-17, parents and guardians, educators, and law enforcement. With resources such as videos, games, activity cards, and presentations, NetSmartz entertains while it educates.
The following is link to bullying and cyberbullying resources from |