Human Trafficking: Screening and Assessment Tools and Practices for Runaway and Homeless Youth Settings Tip Sheet (2024)

Identifying youth at risk of or experiencing human trafficking in RHY settings requires programs to use holistic approaches which include formal and informal strategies. Through screenings and assessments, RHY programs can make appropriate referrals and connections with partner agencies to provide the best service team for each young person. 

  • This tip sheet addresses:
    • How programs prepare for conducting screening and assessments
    • Considerations for implementing and recognizing trafficking in RHY settings 
    • Identifying trafficking by using validated and evidence-based tools  
    • Survivor leadership resources  
    • And more! 

Download the Tip Sheet (English)

  • A la Oficina de Servicios para Familias y Jóvenes (FYSB) y al Centro de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica y Desarrollo de Capacidades para Jóvenes Fugitivos y Sin Hogar (RHYTTAC) les complace anunciar la disponibilidad de este recurso en español.