The National Campaign’s Birth Control Access Map

The National Campaign ( to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy has an interactive tool that allows people to find where publicly funded clinics are across the country that provide any form of birth control. Here is a brief description, from the website, of what the map shows:

"The Birth Control Access Map depicts the availability of publicly funded clinics in each U.S. county that provide any form of birth control in one view and the full range of methods (using the availability of both the Implant and IUD as a marker) in the other view.

When there are zero publicly funded clinics in a county, the colors reflect the number of women in need of publicly funded contraception who live in those counties, ranging from yellow (fewer women living there) to red (more women living there).  When clinics are present in a county, they are represented in shades of blue, with the darkest blue representing “reasonable access,” which is defined as meeting the recommended ratio of clinics/providers to the population that needs to be served in that particular county."

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