Creating Access to Opportunities for Youth in Transition from Foster Care: AYPF Policy Brief

In December 2014, The American Youth Policy Forum released this brief which addresses policy, systems coordination, and other relevant areas to creating access to opportunities for young people transitioning from foster care.

Here is an excerpt from the Executive Summary: "What happens to youth in foster care when they turn 18? Many face unprecedented challenges like homelessness, lack of financial resources, difficulty accessing educational opportunities, and unemployment. In this issue brief, The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) documented these challenges and opportunities in three distinct yet overlapping areas of need:

  • Sustainable Social Capital
  • Permanency Supports
  • Postsecondary Opportunities

For each area of need, we defined the challenges youth face and identified promising programs and policies that are in place to help them transition from foster care to a healthy, successful adult life."